Locations Requiring an Exception - All Other Travelers

All travel contains some level of risk; however, travel to some locations can pose additional risk. Dartmouth has grouped international locations based on risk to determine when a Travel Exception is required. If one or more of your travel destinations are on the list below, a Travel Exception is required. Please submit your Travel Exception request at least 30 days prior to your planned departure date.

This list is reviewed and revised regularly, please check back to confirm no changes have been made at least one week before departure. If you have questions or uncertain about whether you need to apply for a Travel Exception due to changes in the list below email global.dartmouth@dartmouth.edu

If you are planning to travel to Cuba, you must contact Risk Management at Risk.Management@Dartmouth.edu. Additional paperwork is required by the U.S. State Department.

Locations for All Other Travelers

*Angola: North-east of Cabinda exclave
*Armenia: Border with Azerbaijan
*Azerbaijan: Armenian border areas and Nagorno-Karabakh
*Bangladesh: Chittagong Hill Tracts & Dhaka
*Benin: Border with Burkina Faso and Niger, including the Pendjari (Atakora department) and W (Alibori department) national parks
*Brazil: Urban trouble spots
Burkina Faso
*Burundi: Bubanza and Cibitoke provinces and Bujumbura Rural province
*Cameroon: Areas of Extreme North region bordering Nigeria, Bakassi peninsula, Border with Central African Republic, Extreme North region, Northwest and Southwest regions
Central African Republic
*Chad: Areas west of Bol in Lac region, Borkou, Ennedi East, Ennedi West and Tibesti regions; areas within 18 miles (30km) of borders with Sudan, CAR
*Colombia: Areas affected by activity from illicit armed groups, including those bordering Venezuela and along the Pacific coast as well as parts of the northern and mid-eastern regions and Cali
Congo (DRC)
*Côte d'Ivoire: Northern border regions with Mali and Burkina Faso, and Comoe National Park; Liberian border in Montagnes and Bas-Sassandra districts
El Salvador
*Eritrea: Ethiopian, Sudanese, Djiboutian borders
*Georgia: Abkhazia and South Ossetia
*Guatemala: Chiquimula, Petén, Zacapa and Izabal departments, Guatemala City
*India: Asom (Assam), Manipur, Nagaland; some districts of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh; Kashmir division and parts of Jammu division (both Jammu and Kashmir union territory)
*Indonesia: Central Papua, Highland Papua, Papua, South Papua, West Papua

*Jamaica: West Kingston, Spanish Town

*Kenya: Nairobi; the northern counties of Turkana, West Pokot, Samburu, Marsabit and Isiolo; the Somali-border counties of Wajir, Mandera, Garissa and Lamu
*Kyrgyzstan: Batken province, the international border regions of Osh and Jalal-Abad provinces
*Madagascar: Anosy (except its capital Fort Dauphin (Tôlanaro)) and Atsimo-Atsinanana regions (south-east)
*Mauritania: Eastern desert areas
*Mexico: Baja California, Chihuahua, Colima, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Jalisco, Mexico, Michoacán, Morelos, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Zacatecas states
*Mozambique: Macomia, Meluco, Mocimboa da Praia, Muidumbe, Nangade, Palma and Quissanga districts (all Cabo Delgado province)
*Nepal: South
*Niger: Areas of Tillaberi region bordering Burkina Faso; Filingue, Ouallam, Say, Tera and Tillaberi departments (all Tillaberi); northern half of Tahoua region; Agadez region; most of Diffa region, Areas of Tillaberi region bordering Mali; areas of Diffa region bordering Borno state (Nigeria) and Lac region (Chad)
North Korea
Palestinian Territories
*Panama: Darién
Papua New Guinea
*Peru: Ene, Apurimac and Mantaro River Valley (VRAEM)
*Philippines: South-west Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago (Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi)
*Saudi Arabia: Iraq border areas & Yemen border areas
*South Africa: High-density, low-income urban areas
South Sudan
*Tajikistan: Afghan border; Areas of Sughd province bordering Kyrgyzstan; Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast
*Tanzania: Southern border areas within 12 miles (20km) of the Mozambican border and inland up to 93 miles (150km) from the coast
*Thailand: Southern provinces of Yala, Narathiwat, Pattani and the southern districts of Songkhla province
*Togo: Northern areas within 18 miles (30km) of the Burkina Faso border
*Trinidad and Tobago: Laventille, Beetham
*Tunisia: Libyan border areas; areas within 25 miles (40km) of the Algerian border; Mount Chaambi, Mount Mgilla, Mount Salloum and Mount Sammama
*Turkey: Areas within ten miles (16km) of the Syrian border, Hakkari, Sirnak, Diyarbakir provinces
*Turkmenistan: Afghan border
*Uganda: Areas within 18.6 miles (30km) of the Congo (DRC), South Sudan borders
*Uzbekistan: Afghan, Kyrgyz borders, Fergana Valley
* denotes countries that have only a section of the country that requires an Exception, the other areas do not.

Updated: Jan 15th 2024