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Before traveling, review and print these emergency resources; they contain important information on getting help.
Through International SOS (ISOS), Dartmouth's primary emergency assistance provider, and Starr Insurance, all students, staff, faculty, college officials, volunteers, board members, Dartmouth approved guests and their dependents have access to 24/7 worldwide emergency assistance including medical, security, travel assistance and urgent and emergency medical insurance when traveling internationally, outside of their permanent country of residence, on Dartmouth sponsored activities. The coverage includes sojurn travel 14 days prior to a trip, during a trip and after a Dartmouth sponsored trip/activity. Learn more, review the FAQ flyer and obtain a summary of ISOS and Starr's benefits through Dartmouth's Travel Assistance Program.
There is an updated ISOS portal – please register on the new site for access - https://myportal.internationalsos.com/ and use the Dartmouth ID to create a new profile : (ID 11BSGC000018) when asked for affiliation.
Please note you will need to register again even if you had an account on the old ISOS site.
If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual or gender-based harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating or domestic violence or stalking, please reach out to the Title IX office for guidance and support by emailing titleix@dartmouth.edu or calling +001 (603) 646-0922 or +001 (603) 646-3153. Review and print the applicable quick reference guides prior to travel.
Dartmouth's Department of Safety and Security is available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Updated 11/08/23